This announcement is to inform you that...
YES! #SantapanREMs are still available for you to purchase from our website!
HOWEVER, products are AVAILABLE only while stocks last. Our kitchen is extremely shorthanded as more than half the team is away for flood relief activities. In addition to being short-staffed, the team is busy producing more #SantapanHeroMeals for the flood affected.Â
In light of all these, production of our Ready-to-Eat meals are put on hold till further notice.Â
Please pray for the safety of the team. If you'd like to find out more on our relief efforts, head over to Kembara Kitchen - Catering in Kuala Lumpur & Selangor to see what our sister company is up to.Â
Thank you for your patience & unwavering support 🧡
#kembarakitchen #heromeals #teamkembara #terengganu #banjir2024 #banjirmalaysia #banjirkelantan #monsuntimurlaut #mtl #banjirterengganu #kelantan #bencanaalam #Bencana #volunteermalaysia #retort #Malaysia #sukarelawan #sediadimakan #selerakampung #river #jalanjalancarimakan #jjcm #sungai #campingtrip #malaysia #makananretort #seleramalaysia #senangje